Thursday, February 3, 2011

Welcome to Nagoya!

I don't know that I'll be able to get Internet in Manila, so I just wanted to post a quick update to tell you all that I arrived safely in Japan! The 12.5 hour flight was a breeze as it was not full and I had extra room to stretch out and sleep. God is so good! :)

I'll be departing for Manila within the hour and should arrive there at midnight (which will be 11 am according to your clocks and my brain). Hopefully I can stay awake for the next flight and try to get accustomed to the right time zone.

Thanks for all the love yesterday/today. I have been blessed with so many wonderful people in my life. Please pray that my baggage will make it all the way through and that we will be able to sort out everything with my visa without any trouble.

God bless! Leave me comments! :)

*This post is dedicated to my very best friend, Blythe Meyer, who was celebrating her 21st birthday while I was 37,000 ft. in the air. Love you!


  1. Little update:

    Still In Japan. Our flight is delayed and wil possibly be cancelled due to a shortage of crew members. Pray that we can fly (but if we can't, we get free hotel and food! Woohoo!)

  2. I love when God gives extra little blessings just because He can and He's awesome - like providing open seats on your flight so you could rest and actually sleep. Those things always make me feel very loved because He is SO into the details of our lives. I'm glad you got to revel and rest in His care for you. (o:

  3. Love you tooooo! Take a picture of your hotel for me! :)

  4. P.S. It's just me, but my blog sign-in is still set up for Record

  5. Heyyyyy! I'm going to try to upload pictures now.
