Monday, February 21, 2011

Saturday, February 19- LAKE SEBU!

So, what did you do today?  Did you go to the #1 attraction spot in the country and ride a 700-meter zipline suspended hundreds of feet in the air and hike all over and boat all around an island to see the 7 beautiful waterfalls with a bunch of really awesome people? Well... I DID! :)
Today was AMAZING! Emily and I have been waiting for this day since I arrived. Today we took the third year high school students to Lake Sebu.  It was everything we hoped it would be.  It just so happened, though this was not planned, that the third year kids are the ones that we have gotten closest to, so that made today even better.  We could not have asked for a better group: Jestoni, Jemboy, Jimboy, Jojet, Janeth and Glend (lots of Js!) plus our accompanying supervisors/filipino friends/translators/awesome people, Mama Lynn and Red.  The day started like most days with breakfast at 6:30am, but when Nanay came in to assign chores for the day she told the third year students that they would be going to do a special project.  No one here will say a word against Nanay, so the got in the van and silently wondered where we were going.  Not
long after that they figured it out due to us who were in the know talking louder than we should have been.  It was fun to surprise them anyway.  When we got there we immediately headed for the main attraction- the zipline! (To my TbarM friends, I'm sorry, but the Travis zipline doesn't hold a candle to this one!) This was such an amazing experience.  It is 700 meters long and though I don't know how high it is, I can safely say it is SEVERAL hundred feet high, if not higher. I am a fan of heights and adrenaline driven activities, but this caught my breath in my chest.  You really have no idea how high it is from where it starts because there are trees all around you blocking your view of anything else.  However, about 3 seconds into the ride the trees-- and the ground-- disappear completely and your are flying above waterfalls, rushing rivers and beauty
that cannot be described in words, photos or videos-- although I definitely attempted all of those! (see below). As soon as we all (minus Red who was not keen on the idea of flying) made it off we knew we were going to have to do it again.  Actually, after you get off the 700-meter one you go back across on a 400-meter one... but we still craved more! We decided to wait a little while though and experience some more of Lake Sebu.  We hiked down for some time until we came to the bottom of a giant waterfall.  The power of water never ceases to baffle me.  It was another breathtaking experience.  After at least 50 pictures and and a good rest time, we headed back... up 776 stairs (yes, we counted)!! Oh my Lord.  My thighs hate me; as if I don't put them through enough everytime I use the CR (I suppose only peole who have been here will understant that. That's ok. :) We did, against all odds, make it to the top and we Americanas needed a substantial sit down and breath time after that.  I guess I need to step up the pilates and Tae bo a little (or it could just be all the dang rice that turns to rock in my belly.)  We shopped around a little and were able to treat the kids to a souvenouir t-shirt before returning to the zipline for one last thrill.  Red joined us this time and we were so excited to have our whole group experience this together.
Next was lunch and it was starting to feel overdue after all the hiking, sweating, flying etc.  We got to eat on a floating restaurant while we were "entertained" by a toothless guitar player (who was actually alright and played some good tunes of The Beatles, Elvis and Journey.  The words weren't all there, but we say along anyway.) and some people showing us traditional Tiboli dances while they banged loudly on some wooden blocks and metal pots.  On the menu was chicken, tilapia and rice.  Familiar, but we were no less grateful.  Emily and I also decided to try out their french fries and though they were certainly not up to waffle fry standards, they served as a worthy substitute.
It is hours later now and the house is quiet (well, as quiet as it can be) and filled with exhausted kids who I hope had an amazing day like I did.  I am up much later than most of them because I was waiting for water so I could shower the dirtand sweat of the day off of me.  Right before braving the icy shower, I saw a mouse run down the hall and disappear somewhere past my door............ "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!!"
Ok, if you'll excuse me I am going to climb inside my mosquito net now and thank God that though apparently mosquitoes may be finding a way in, I don't think mice are.

You are loved. By me.

Today's blog is dedicated to Andy the Bald, Ariana the Great, Meghann the Majestic and Marcus needs a funky name.  You all came to my mind today when I wanted to close my eyes and suddenly have waffle fries in front of me! Enjoy some Chick-fil-A for me. Love you guys!! Even Andy...:)

Our group.

(L-R) Jestoni, Jimboy and Jojet about to fly!

Me, Emily, Jestoni... :)


  1. Great pictures... I'm glad you had a wonderful day and stayed SAFE!!

  2. How fun does all that sound! Andy would have loved the scenery. Although, would have probably screamed down the zip line! I have enjoyed waffle fries many times last week for you. It's still weird eating there without you. You are the only thought that goes through my mind. It will probably be even more weird if I actually eat at ours....I have only been to San Marcos since you have left. ;) Love you!
