Monday, February 28, 2011

Thursday, February 24- Happy Hands Club

Today we did a very fun activity.  While we were in Marbel shopping for American Day we also picked up t-shirts and paint so that we could do hand print shirts with the kids.  Emily's time here is rapidly coming to an end (so. sad.) and she really wanted to have something like this to take with her.  It ended up being a blast.  We started with the elementary students, thinking they would be more difficult than the high school, however we were surprisingly mistaken.  The younger kids were a breeze but ALL of the older kids are such perfectionists. When they realized they were going to be making something and wearing it they all became ultra obsessive about how they looked.  It was pretty hillarious, but the activity took quite a lot longer than we expected.  I'll put some pictures below of the finished product.

I have to keep this blog short, but please keep Nanay (Miss Ray) in your prayers.  She is not well and actually went to the hospital for a few days although she is home now.  I havevn't been able to figure out exactly what is wrong but I think it has to do with her stomach.  I know she would appreciate your prayers.  ALSO, if you haven't read my last post about the college fund PLEASE DO and keep praying for that as well. Salamat!!

This post is dedicated to my brother Joseph.  The title is a reference from Napoleon Dynamite and those two always seem to go hand in hand.  We'll have to watch that as soon as I get home.... GOSH!

1 comment:

  1. Those shirts look Great! I love the photos...did you make one for "li'l Bob"? Send me a picture of him when you can...
