Monday, February 7, 2011

Saturday, February 6th- First OFFICIAL day.

I finally arrived at Uncle Dick’s Home!  There was a time in Japan when I didn’t know if I’d ever get here, but thank the Lord, I’m here!
I was picked up from CSM in Manila at 3:30am. I slept about 3 hours before that, which brought my sleep total since I left home (3 days earlier) to 9 hours.  I wasn’t able to eat the night before because I didn’t have any Filipino money; I was living off of the last meal I had on the flight at about 9:00am the day before.  So I was very happy to get my money changed and see a Mister Donut at my gate.  I left a few hours later and, after one last flight, arrived in General Santos. A HUGE praise that all of my luggage arrived in all of the destinations safely.  Bert and Ray, who run the orphanage, welcomed me with big smiles and hugs and we headed home. 
Throughout all of my travels I have been reading “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”, is the self told story of Aron Ralston that inspired the recently released movie 127 Hours.  I recommend this book highly, but especially if you are traveling.  No matter what happens, whether you get stranded in Japan or have no food for a day or can’t sleep, it’s really hard to be at all upset… at least you’re arm isn’t trapped by an 800lb. rock! J
It’s been so amazing being with these precious children again.  It still doesn’t feel like I am staying here though. Every other time I’ve been here has been so brief that I expect to have to leave at any moment. Hopefully it will kick in soon that this is for real. Today hasn’t been too busy since I didn’t arrive here until around 3:00pm My dear friend Emily is here too and I am so thankful for that.  It’s great to have someone to speak English to while we both struggle to pick up as much Ilongo as we can.  She will be leaving at the end of this month, but I’m grateful for the time that she is here.  We just finished planning special events for prom, Valentine’s Day and American Day, all coming up this month.  She and I will also begin leading bible studies for the high school kids next week which is going to be really exciting.  Tonight we are doing a movie night (in honor of the super bowl we are watching Facing the Giants) but I’m very dehydrated and sleep deprived so I am opting out to try and get some rest in.  Tomorrow is church, and if it’s anything like what I’ve experienced here before, I’ll need some energy.
This post is dedicated to Lauren Bain who, when I was hungry in Manila, I realized I would be having breakfast with if I were at home. Oh, ihop. I love both of you!! J

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