Friday, February 4, 2011


It’s hot. It’s very noisy. It smells like cigarettes and car exhaust. Welcome to the Philippines!
I finally arrived here in Manila around 12:30pm local time (10:30 pm in good 'ole Texas) and made it to the CSM hotel close to 2:00pm. I'll be here all alone until very, very early tomorrow morning (leaving for the airport around 3:30 am) so feel free to chat or email with me when you wake up! I'll be here! :)
I got a few hours of sleep in Japan last night and then maybe one more on the plane. My flight here was very musical. I started out with a little bluegrass and a little Carpenters and then had a time of praise with David Dunn, Casting Crowns and Donna Stuart. From there we moved to some much needed broadway and the Swell Season and I finally dozed off while Slowdancing in a Burning Room with John Mayer.
(This post and the last song are dedicated to my faithful companion, Janey Matulich:)

I'm going to work out, shower, go through my luggage and hopefully eat before going to bed. Keep the emails and comments coming. Thank you for your prayers and love!



  1. oh good you made it :)
    [and yes it's 3am here and I'm wide awake as per my usual terrible sleep habits]

    ~ Sarah

  2. I'm AMAZED you wanted to work out after all that traveling! Go you! Lol.

  3. I'm honored you dedicated this post to me! Oh an ps I totally listened to Slow Dancing the same night while we were fb chatting and it made me think of you!

  4. I think we could be music twins. (o:
