Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, February 7- Church

I woke up at around 4:00am this morning.  About half of the boys wake up at that time and since I am staying in the boys building there was plenty to hear that early. However, that was not what woke me up.  No here you have a choir of dogs and roosters going all night long.  I was tired enough that it didn’t bother me when I was going to bed, but I guess I had had enough by morning.  The roosters are so loud that they sound like they are in your room with you… I think they would be of more use in our bellies. J
Today was Emily and my 1st church service.  We asked what time it started and were told 8:00am, but we didn’t leave until 8:30 so I suppose start time is flexible.  Since the pastor lives here I guess he can do that.  Sure doesn’t work that way in the states.  But then again, neither does having a 3 ½ hour service.  That was tough, mostly because about 85% of it was in Ilongo.  I tried my best to pick out some words but had very little luck. I need to remember that I’ve only been here for 24 hours—I’ll get better with the language. 
I’m sitting in my room right now and I’m just about to take a nap.  Now this IS something we should make a habit of in America.  Everyday EVERYONE takes a nap.  It’s just part of the day. It’s great.  I thought it was going to be too hot for me to sleep but a lovely breeze has picked up and I can hear thunder in the background so it’s safe to say it’ll get a little cooler yet.  The weather here is really amazing.  We were playing games outside yesterday and within seconds a HUGE stormed loomed overhead.  The rain was so think that the mountains in the distance completely disappeared.  I am reminded of a line from one of my favorite movies that I am probably going to butcher but it goes something  like:  The [mountains] are so strange. One minute they seem so peaceful and the next they are trying to kill you.”  It definitely feels like that here. It is really overwhelmingly awesome to see nature at work.
This post is dedicated to Becca Myer who I think of everytime I check the time. I love you!!!


  1. I'm all for mandatory naps - sign me up! Though I think anyone might need one after a 3 1/2 hour church service, wow!
