Thursday, November 3, 2011


Hey friends,
Sorry for my absence.  The last week has been full of changes and I thought I'd let most of them happen before documenting.

First off, thank you so much to everyone who has been texting, emailing, snail mailing, calling and facebooking me with encouragement and love since I moved.  When I got here I felt like a piece of my hearts puzzle was put back into place; but every day I am more and more aware of how many pieces I left behind.  Thank you for being with me in the only ways you can be for now.  You all have blessed me so.

So, time for some updates.  Some of you know this already, though it's been mostly hush hush. (It may sound that I'm about to say I'm pregnant... I'm not) I believe though that I can finally and officially say that I have a job!! I can also say that I have a place to live! But this is really only one announcement because those two things are one in the same...

I told you last time that I interviewed with a great family. Well, I am now living with them! I moved in (half of my stuff) on Monday and have been working all week.  I am going back to my aunt and uncle's place on Saturday to get the rest of my things and then head on back to my city home.  This is yet another temporary place; I do still intend to get my own place; but I can live here for some months while I save money and find a good fit.  This paragraph is just a pile of blessings.  God has been guiding me and leading me even when I have forgotten to ask Him; even when I've forgotten to thank Him.

So that's it! I'm living in Chicago, I'm working as a nanny for two little boys and in my spare time I go to zombie apocalypses and underground bars putting on Rocky Horror performances. Ah, city life. :)

I am now one step closer to being ready for you to come visit me!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Catching Up

It's before midnight and I'm already in bed AND it's raining.  I am in a place of euphoria right now.

This last weekend I went back out to the city.  Friday night Blythe and Eric had a house warming party at their apartment and it was so much fun.  It was a very small group or intelligent and interesting people.  We discussed music and television and movies and comic books and pathetic Jews and over-cautious mothers and music mixing programs and parenting and kittens.  Score.  On Saturday I had an interview and after missing my stop, (which was never announced) getting off the southbound bus, getting on the northbound bus and walking, I finally made it there.  It was a good interview, but I wasn't too excited about the potential of this particular job.  Finding a nanny job is very different from other jobs; there needs to be a certain amount of compatibility between the nanny and the family or it simply will not work.  Anyway, I was grateful for the interview.  The rest of Saturday was spent shopping for plants with Eric, Blythe and her brother Alec, and then later Blythe and I went downtown to shop for our elaborate day-before-Halloween plans next weekend; stay tuned for that story/those pictures.

Saturday evening I got a call from another family I had applied with and we set up an interview for Sunday afternoon.  After attending a different church, Good News Bible Church (which was really lovely- I intend to go back there again), I headed north for this interview. It was immediately different from the previous interview.  I loved the family, the area, the kids and all those things seemed to like me too.  I'm headed back to see them and do a "trial run" of sorts on Thursday.  If you would, be in prayer for this opportunity.  If this is where God wants me it'd be so great; and if not, well I'll get right back to looking. :)

My lovely Uncle Rob and Aunt Nancy have arrived back here in Downer's Grove and will be around for a couple of days.  It's so lovely having more family around...

...and now all I need is my friends!

I love you guys.  My friends far away- you are all on my heart every day.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sore feet, cold hands... children's books!

I'm writing this tonight while the memory of the last couple hours is fresh.  I want to make sure you get the most dramatic adjectives.

I went back to the city this weekend.  After a week out here in Downers Grove, it was hard to leave my beautiful bed and the spacious house-- but it is always a joy to spend any time with Blythe.  I arrived on the train Friday evening to find no Blythe, however.  She told me that she would meet me at the Western stop.  However, we were unaware that there were two Westerns.  I was dropped off significantly further south than we had anticipated and also significantly further south than I (or anyone) should be alone after daylight.  So, that started things out interestingly to say the least.  Luckily I was able to find a street marker and Blythe tapped into her inner Wonder Woman and biked an extensive distance to find me.  We then got on the bus, forfeited our plans to go out with some friends and went back to her apartment where we made pizza and chocolate mug cakes; using a recipe that needs severe alterations.  Overall, we salvaged the evening.

Saturday was a beautiful day but we spent most of it in doors.  Blythe worked on a paper, I read, and then we walked down to the grocery store to get supplies for the most delicious chip dip ever.  That night we searched Netflix for a movie we hadn't seen and both landed on Memento.  I'd wanted to see it for so long; and wow.  It was trippy.  So, so good; really bizarre.  Also, part of me just wants to have an affair with Christopher Nolan; the really, really, really smart part of me; it's in there.

This morning I went to a church I had read about just to see how it was.  Afterwards Blythe, Eric and I went down to the farmers market, window shopped, drank coffee... had an overall lovely city day.  We went to a children's toy and book store.  I could have been happy there for days.  It made me dangerously desirous for a child.  Please pray that I get a nanny position soon. :)

It was the kind of day that couldn't be spoiled by anything.......

I missed my train due to a stupid mistake (that is blamed on the part of my brain that couldn't even speak to Christopher Nolan) and as it is the weekend the trains going out to Downers Grove only run every two hours.  Thanks to Blythe I coordinated getting on the northbound train to Union Station so I wasn't stuck waiting at Western, and was able to sit indoors for the duration of the two hour wait.  I know that this was an easy mistake to make and as I am incredibly new at all of this it shouldn't make me feel that bad; so I'm instead trying to just be grateful that I am now back at my current temporary residence, showered and going to bed.

As I was waiting for the train I couldn't help but think how great it would be to have a friend with me. Like Janey. Or Kate. Or Ben, Miranda, Julian, Meghann, Ariana, Lauren, Harrison, Becca, Jen or Andrew. Or my mom or dad. Or any of my siblings. Or Georgy Porgy!

Thinking about this made me feel really blessed though.  I know what gifts you all are.  I can't wait to see you again.  Truly.

Monday, October 10, 2011

We were unsure, but then, Liza Minnelli!

The last few days have not really been conducive to settling into my new home; but they’ve certainly been enjoyable.  And busy.
I arrived in Chicago on Friday night.  The flight here was completely bizarre.  I’ve never been on a plane with such a talkative group of people.  I had my headphones on and was attempting to read and could still here some of the conversations around me; in particular two girls behind me disclosing quite personal information to each other (as well as anyone in ear shot).  The guy next to me was trying to sleep, and succeeded for a little while, until he bolted up, looked at me exasperated and said, “My God, I could write a book about the girls behind us. They won’t shut up!”  He seemed pretty hostile for a minute but then he started talking to the girls and the conversation then moved up to our row.  A man behind me started buying drinks for everyone with some points he had and that made things even more interesting.  Across the aisle a lady got pleasantly tipsy and started asking everyone how old she looked.  When the man she was sitting next to and flirting with stupidly guessed 57 (which honestly, could have been exactly right) I thought she was going to murder him.  The man next to me was smarter and said 21.  After things calmed down me and my row discussed different places we’ve been, airports we hated and the ways that we organize our email inboxes.  We were a really neat bunch. J
Blythe met me at baggage claim and there were immediate tears.  You guys know me; this isn’t unexpected.  Blythe however is less inclined to express herself through tears.  It was good to have someone to cry with though.  And it wouldn’t be the last time.
After a train ride we had a bit of a walk that, were it just us, would have been fine.  However my luggage made the journey more interesting and more painful.  After dropping, dragging, flipping, falling and a plethora of other alliterations, we were about at the end of our rope and hadn’t quite made it to Blythe and Eric’s apartment.  Right at that moment though, Eric came walking towards us.  Our hero!  He went down the street to the store before we went home so Blythe and I had a few minutes to breath.  Enter Bekah breakdown number one.  It was actually not really a breakdown, but as it was literally the first time I had stopped since San Antonio and could think about what I had just done, I had a quick freak out moment.  It passed. We went home. I slept.
Saturday and Sunday I stayed with Blythe and Eric.  Blythe and I were able to spend time shopping and walking and cooking and basically getting used to hearing each other’s voices and not being on the phone.  We wandered into a vintage store on Saturday and walked around pulling out some gorgeous, and some not-so-gorgeous garments, making comments as we went.  I pulled out a particularly gaudy gown and without missing a beat Blythe and I looked at each other and said, “Liza Minnelli.”  It was perfect and pretty much a clear sign that we are meant t live in the same place; even for just a year.  It’s really lovely being with someone who knows you and you them, so completely.
Yesterday My Aunt Marianne and Uncle Aaron fetched me and I am now at my new, temporary, short-term/long-term residence in Downers Grove.  They have a beautiful and HUGE house, and a big white van—I feel pretty at home here already.  It is definitely not going to be easy to leave here and move into a tiny apartment, but it’s lovely to know I’ll be able to come here and see family with little trouble.  I am truly, truly blessed.

Thank you if you read this far; I won’t normally go this long.  To my Texas friends, I miss you all so much already.  In about a week I’ll start posting temperatures so you can all make fun of me.  Winter is just around the corner!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Here I go again....

Hey guys!
Well, it started with "Bekah in the Philippines", then "Bekah in Australia", then "Bekah on the Road"...

I now give you: Bekah in Chicago!

That's right- I did it! I moved to Chicago. Now to figure out what I'm going to do next. 0_0

It's quite late so this entry is brief, but I wanted to just get this started.  For those of you who have followed all of my adventures, welcome back (and thank you!); to the new comers, welcome.  I promise I don't ramble much.  This blog is really only still going because a few people (whom I love) asked me to keep up with it.  So stay tuned for occasional stories, pithy remarks and some pictures of my next chapter in Chicago.

Love you all. Really, I do!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Catching you up

Sorry for the absense, all.  Our campground was internet free and service free so I was pretty much out of communication last week.  I don't have pictures ready to add just yet, but I'll post them soon; for now, here is a brief update:

The reunion was fantastic! I know that I come from the greatest family in the world.  My grandparents started a legacy that I am so proud to be a part of.  We had a wonderful time of fellowsip, worship and faily trivia everyday that turned out to be a favorite time for everyone.  Our camp was right off of Rockaway Beach nearTwin Rocks.  The beach was beautiful during the day and at night.  Joshua and I walked there everyday and tried to play near, yet stay out of the FREEZING water.  The weather all week was very cool (at least compared to Texas), rarely getting above 60.  It was really wonderful having nearly our entire family (11 aunts, 12 uncles, 59 grandkids (plus several spouses) and 14 great-grandkids) together and being able to just pick up where we left off. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. A favorite moment for me was an epic volleyball game on the last day. Ben and I joined several of our cousins (who just happened to be the ones we know the most and spent much of our childhood with) and it played hard until we couldn't see anymore.  It was just great.

We had to leave super early on Thursday on account of Sarah and Jono needing to catch a morning flight home and Joseph needing to catch a noon flight to Florida.  Once the rest of us finally got on the road we made it to and stayed in Ontario, OR.  The next day we drove through Idaho and saw Shoeshone Falls which were really spectacular. That night we stayed in Ogden, UT.  Yesterday we drove the rest of the way through Utah and stopped in Salt Lake to tour the Morman Tabernacle.  Dozens of weddings taking place and more white shirts and ties than you've ever seen.  It was beautiful, but so twisted.  Anyway, we made it, I believe, near Denver, CO where we stayed last night.  I am ready to be home.

God is incredible. Good night.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Color my world.

Another day, another hike!

Sarah, Jono, Ben and I left the house around 8:30am and headed for Saddle Mountain; a 2 hour drive and then a rather steep 2.5 mile hike to the top.  This trek was longer and much more difficult than yesterday's.  Many times the path would become very narrow and was also quite overgrown so it was hard to see were your next step would take you.  Much of the path was also very steep; the first 2.25 miles was ok, but that last quarter mile was killer at around a 60 degree incline.  What we saw on the way and at the destination made the pain, the blisters, the sweat very worth it.  From the top we had a pretty clear view of Mt. Ranier, Mt. Adams, Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Hood.  We ventured out to some more dangerous spots at the top and then headed back for the almost more difficult journey back.  Keeping yourself steady while going down the rock, gravel and dirt we had just gone up was much harder than I'd anticipated.  We all got separated returning to base as Ben shot on ahead and Sarah and Jono lolly-gagged behind, so I had a good half an hour of time to (while keeping myself alive) enjoy the nature around me and talk to the creator of it all.  It's so easy to be in awe of our Father when you are on a mountain and you come to a clearing where you can see miles in every direction and beauty is spilling over the hills.  It seems simple to trust Him with your life, you problems, your fears when you see how small you really are compared to his masterful creation; why can't it be so easy now that I'm sitting on the couch? This trip has felt like God's plan to unfold everything He is capable of and put it right at my feet.  It's like He's saying, "Look, Bekah! Look at this! I made this, I control this; why won't you let go of your fears and desires and give them to me?" I wish I had an answer.  All I know is that I am trying.

Today ended with one of my favorite joys of the Congdon family: music.  My dad and his siblings were all raised musicians.  From piano to violin to cello to oboe to clarinet to flute, most of the siblings play at least one instrument.  When they get together we get to hear a piece of heaven.  We are staying at my uncle John's house and he is a master cellist.  My dad was on the piano and John was on the cello and we spent the better part of an hour playing hymn karaoke; shouting out hymns and praise songs, singing and basking in the beauty of the music.  I sometimes forget that not everyone grows up with music.  My brother-in-law had never heard a cello before; he was very impressed.

Pictures. AND a video (don't hold your breath).

Photo op.

 Our reward at the top :)

Look at all the danger!

Ben Congdon photo credits:
At the bottom.

 At the top!

Music. I apologize deeply for the vocals at the end of this video.  An alto shouldn't sing in this key-- but I wanted you to hear the beautiful music.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The family (well, some of them)

Today we finally got a taste of what we are looking forward to next week.  After a busy day of climbing Multnomah Falls here in Oregon, we went over to one of my very favorite places; my grandma's house; and were soon joined by several aunts, uncles and cousins for a little pre-reunion reunion.  9 of the original siblings came along with most of their spouses and somewhere around 30 (so about half!) of the cousins also came by.  The majority of them were in the younger age group, so there are still several that I am dying to see, but it was lovely to become reacquainted and for some of us to meet certain cousins for the first time.  Jono (my brother-in-law) got a crash course in Congdon tonight.  He was quite overwhelmed (who wouldn't be?) but survived and did very well.

The best and also saddest part of the night for me was going off by myself to wander around the house and grounds.  It was very emotional to walk around this tiny house that holds so many memories from so long ago.  There is such a richness and heritage in these walls.  Although I wasn't there, it is so amazing to me that 12 children were raised in this little 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home.  As I walked around I remembered sweet times of lying with a blanket on my grandma's floor waiting for Adventures in Odyssey to come on the radio.  Seeing pictures of my grandpa who passed away two years ago struck memories of his piano and violin playing that was done with such dedication you knew that he was playing for the Lord only; and I just wished I were able to see him again. I remembered sliding down the narrow stairway on pillows and cardboard and climbing into the "secret attic" which then seemed so vast and now would barely fit me.  A certain Christmas I spent in this house came back to me; Sarah and I found our Christmas presents early and went to peek at them every night for a week.  By the time Christmas came I wasn't very excited about my present anymore.  That was also the year that Joseph got a talking Barney toy and we went on to regret that purchase for several years.  Everyone of these snapshots brings a smile and tear.  I know this house will not always be here and thinking about that really breaks my heart; but I couldn't be more grateful for the time I've spent there, and I know that these memories and stories will live on even longer than the house that seemed so magical to me as a child; truthfully, I still feel the magic even now.

Tomorrow may involve more hiking or a trip to a science museum depending on what car I get in.  I don't know yet which it will be, but I do know that morning is coming quickly and I'll need plenty of sleep for either journey.

I am so thankful that God gave me this unbelievable family. I am truly blessed.


Sarah and Jono
 A successful family picture!
 We had a picnic. :)
 Multnomah Falls

 Another one!
 My dad's younger brother, Brad. A little resemblance, perhaps?
 A mesh of cousins... 4 families represented here.
 People everywhere!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Night sky, free concerts and the first of the family.

On our last night with the Setterfields, Barry took us to an observatory to show us some incredible things you can't see with the naked eye (a phrase my younger brothers found quite humorous).  We started out with Saturn which was really incredible.  Then Barry pointed to a star (the curve of the handle in the big dipper) and showed us that what we see as one star is actually five stars.  The stars are as far apart from each other as we are from Saturn and yet we see them virtually overlapping.  Another star he pointed out when brought in close showed to be a galaxy containing millions of stars.  How unbelievably baffling it all is.  I found myself feeling quite petty as I had spent much of the day wondering, wishing, worrying about things that, at least now, our not in my control and I was lost as to how any of it could be fixed without me.  I serve the God that created the brilliance of the night sky with His words.  I wish I could give Him the trust He deserves.

The next day we headed north yet again and ended up in Roseburg, Oregon to stay with my uncle Rob and aunt Nancy and her mother (whom we all call Grandma Driver) and my lone single uncle Steve.  Rob and Nance have 6 boys and it is SO fun getting to spend some time with my cousins.  They are missionaries in Africa and only get to come here on furlough, so staying with them is a real treat.  Our very first night here, my cousin Robert told me there was a free concert in the park and asked if I'd be interested.  I agreed and asked who was playing: Pink Martini! One of my very favorites. The timing was impeccable and it was a really great night.

Last night I got to very briefly Skype with some friends from my college group; it was a poor connection and hard to hear but WONDERFUL to see them! I am truly blessed by my friends and the people that I go through life with.  I can't wait to see them again.

Well it is now 11am on Thursday and we are packing up and getting ready to head to Portland (finally!).  We will be seeing my grandma and more aunts and uncles and Sarah and Jonathan who flew into Portland last night.  We will be there for a few days and then Monday we head to the (chillllly) coast for the actual reunion.  I look forward to the next week and seeing what surprises God has in store for us.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Oregon Trail

We are finally in Oregon!  And, luckily, no one died of dysentery, none of our wagon wheels broke and we never killed more buffaloes than we could consume.

It’s great to be back in mountain country again.  It’s humorous to look around here and think that we live in the “hill country.”  New Braunfels is a lovely place, but our hills are put to shame by the magnificence all around up here.

We are staying with an old friend and his wife for the next two days.  Barry was a friend when we lived in Australia and he met Penny who I believe was from Oregon and they now live up here.  They are very lively people and are in the business of rescuing things.  They have several horses and ponies, all with ailments ranging from fleas to cancer.  There are also goats, chickens, dogs and rodents all with sob stories about how no one else wanted them.  This really doesn’t really do much for me, but they also have a son named Chris whom they also rescued.  Chris is about 26 years old and has severe mental disabilities.  He doesn’t speak other than mumbles and he spends much time just rocking back and forth.  However, we were doing devotions tonight and my dad sat down to play the piano.  Penny brought Chris out and as we sang a couple hymns Chris smiled and rocked to the beat and even began to jump up and down.  Someone that the world can only see with pity; a life that seems to void and meaningless still found joy and purpose in singing praises to the King of Kings. 

Everyone is exhausted.  The last few days have tried all of our patience and it was very noticeable during today’s drive.  We are looking forward to being grounded for the next 30 hours or so and hopefully staying out of the car.  We’ll be back on the road again soon though and then we are off to Portland.  That is our real home away from home in this area.

The internet here is pretty slow, but I'll try to add some more pictures later.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Picture this.

There is no way to capture the absolute wonder of God's creation.  Still, I try.

Today we visited the Sequoia National Park and spent some time around some of the oldest and largest trees.  It may not sound like the most thrilling experience; but it is so overwhelming to look at God's majesty and feel at once so small, and yet amazed by His power and love. 

In other news... how do you get comfortable in the car???

Enjoy this. More later.

"When in California...!"

Days of driving: 2
Children's mental status: on the edge

I can't write much as we are now packing up and leaving from our second hotel.  I hear that our ridiculous amount of driving over the past two days will not be topped and that our next leg will be quicker. Here's hoping!

Pictures soon.

Friday, July 22, 2011

"Are you from the town of Joaquin Phoenix?"

If you understand this title, you've probably hung out with me recently. :)

Well we made it to Phoenix! 18 hours in the car (with brief stops at gas stations and Denny's) brought us to our first destination.  So far everything has gone about as smoothly as can be expected.  Everyone and their luggage arrived safely and no one has been left at any stops (both of these things can not be said of previous trips).  I got the midnight- 3am driving shift (woot) which was not the easiest, but driver gets to chose music so we had three glorious hours of The Beatles and worshipful music, with a little broadway and Jeff Buckley thrown in for good measure.  Considering my shift brought us to El Paso, there was not much to see, so the music definitely helped keep me awake.

We are just about to check out of our first hotel (and we JUST found the only place where you can get internet for free) and are heading to California today.  Hopefully the rest of our days will be shorter than our first.

I love you guys.  I miss you a very lot even though it has seriously only been two days.  I did three months away; I can do this! Every day I am getting more and more excited about seeing my family.  I have an amazing family and we truly have a blast together.

Okay, I should go.  Only two computers here have internet and several unsatisfied guests are waiting for me to free up my spot.

Keep up the texting and all.  I can only stare out the window for so long before I start to lose my mind.

Love, love, love.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I am going to attempt to keep up with this blog for yet another trip; both to keep those interested updated and also to pass the time. 

My family and I will be leaving for a road trip tomorrow and will then enjoy the company of 60+ cousins, many aunts and uncles and anyone else who chooses to attend the 2011 Congdon Family Reunion.

I'm more excited than I sound, I'm just very tired.  Enjoy some music I'll be listening to on my way to Oregon.

I already miss you.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The VERY late update

Dear friends,
Well as most of you have seen proof of and others of you have hopefully gathered, I am finally back home in  New Braunfels, Texas.  This crazy, unbelievable chapter of my life is over-- and the next one is already going.

I just want to thank you all so sincerely for taking this journey with me.  If you ever read a single post of mine then you made a difference.  The most difficult days of this journey were documented in this blog and it was so helpful for me to know that in other countries across the globe people were reading about it.  It was my way of feeling connected to all of you and I am so thankful for the thoughts, comments, prayers, emails, packages and everything else that you did.  I'll be sending out a newsletter soon including some other anecdotes, pictures and other things.  If I don't have your email or address (whichever you'd prefer) then put it in a comment or email me ( 

Again-- thank you so much! I may keep this blog going, or get a name change, to keep you up to date on more adventures.  Stick around if you'd care to... :)

Love you all. God bless.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Caught in the middle and surrounded by heartbreak

"I want to be back in Australia!" "I just want to be in America, already!" "I miss the farm!" "I miss home!" "I need a hug." "I need a cup of tea." "I want to be out of here!!!"

Welcome to my thoughts.

I have left the beloved land down under; and I'm no closer to America.  I spent last night with my cousin Josh and his wife Collette and their four beautiful children (and hopefully there will be pictures below.) Joah and I got a bus at 4:45am to take us to the airport where we sat and waited for what seemed like 2 years, but was more like 2 hours and some change.  We were the only ones on this airport shuttle so I'm not sure why the middle of the night departure was so necessary.  Anyway, we weren't rushed.  Josh and his friend were off to Bali and I was Manila bound-- yet again. 

My flight out of Sydney was delayed by an hour or so which was fine with me because it was another hour in Australia and another hour not in Manila.  When I finally got on board I was seated in 66C next to a delightful Australian.  For the time that I was awake I talked to him and enjoyed the last lingering sounds of Australia.  I drugged myself but was mostly unsuccessful in getting any deep sleep.  All together I slept for about 3 hours.  Although I enjoyed taking to the Aussie next to me, he kept opening the window while I was trying to sleep which really threw me off  of trying to pretend it was American time/ the middle of the night.  I did look out the window as we were coming into the city though and I can say with a good deal of certainty that I have arrived in Manila for the last time.  I've learned  a lot about myself over the last 4 months; and I think I have done all I am called to in this country.  I guess that is one reason why it is so difficult to be back here.  This is a different experience that previous ones though.  When I arrived (with all my bags, thank you, Jesus!) I was met at the curb by Caesar and he informed me that CSM was full so I couldn't stay there.  He first suggested that I stay at the home of someone from his church and you can say anything you want about me, but I couldn't bear the thought of staying in a non-air conditioned block with people who I don't know and couldn't communicate with.  After the emotional mess I am due to leaving my Aussie family, I would have totally broken down in that environment.  I asked if he could just take me to a hotel nearby and after going down several alleys we arrived a little motel in an area that did not make me feel comfortable at all.  I told Caesar I wouldn't feel safe there alone and when he looked around at the people standing outside he agreed with me.  We ended up at the City Garden Suites and it's quite nice and not too dear.  I'm sitting in my room now watching Law&Order and trying desperately to stay awake so that I can force myself back onto American time. 
I am so unbelievebly glad that I got to spend the last two weeks with my family in Australia.  This has been a blessing and an experience that I could never have imagined.  It's changed my thinking on a lot of things... and I can't wait to go back.
To my frinds and family in America-- I am so close! I'll be there so soon now, even though I still feel the huge barrier between us.  I am blessed to know you all.  I can't wait until I can hug everyone and it will set in that I'm finally home.

Princess Poppy and Me

Granny and the twins, Alice and Smith

I love walks with Coral...

Charli and Me

Satene (Teenie!) and Me

I love cows!

Oh..... cafe Dungog....:)

Smith and Alice having a chat

Me and my sweet cousin Rae

Wendy, Me and Rob

Rob's coat of many colours.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The King's Speech... and the last day

A few days ago now we broke into my mom's mother's day present (spoiler alert, mom) and watched The King's Speech.  I was thrilled to be finally seeing this film and was equally as thrilled by the overall production.  It was a truly wonderful movie and Colin Firth and Geoffry Rush were both fantastic!  If you have yet to see it then I highly recommend it.
Well today is Thursday the 12 of May and my last day at Bandon Grove, my favourite farm in all of Dungog and the rest of the world.  I won't pretend that I'm not a little broken hearted.  I don't want to leave my family here.  I know that I have another family, my closest family, waiting for me and I am anxious to see them.  However I feel like I have spent most of my life missing this family over here; getting to have them all to myself for two weeks and now having to go back to missing them just seems too harsh right now.  Most of you would never have imagined I'd say something like this-- but the farm life suits me.  I wouldn't be at all upset if God had a farmer in my future. :)
Today Coral and Granny and I went into town for lunch and so I could play a little prank. Cafe Dungog is run by a guy named Steven-- who may have bitten off a little more than he could chew with me. He recently spent 6 weeks or so in the States and so enjoyed pulling out some Aussie jokes when he found out I was American (like referring to people named "Chuck" and "Randy" which are two names an Aussie would never name a child unless they wanted to subject them to cruel bullying; also making me a beetroot sandwich when I asked that beets were left off of my burger. Aussie's eat some gross things.)  I sent in a carry out order with meticulous instructions and ridiculous expectations along with a job application.  When we arrived for lunch I was informed that some inappropriate things were found in my background check that disqualified me from the job.  It was a great day nonetheless and I had another delicious beetrootless sandwich.
Coral is getting dinner ready; homemade pizzas! Then I think Phil and Coral and I will sit down for a last movie together and the tears will probably start at the same time (for me at least).  Tomorrow Phil and I drive to the central coast where I'll be staying at my cousins Josh and Collette's house and then will fly out of Sydney early the next morning.  This is the leg of the journey that I dread the most because after leaving Sydney I arrive in Manila and have to spend about 30 hours there.  I'll be staying at the CSM inn so will at least have a bed and a shower... but it will be so hard being alone after all this time.  I'm just going to want to be home. I wish I could just sleep the travel away.  Once I leave Manila it's off to Tokyo, then Detroit, then home.  I will finally arrive in San Antonio, if the Lord wills it and nothing goes wrong, on Monday evening. I'll put information on facebook about a little welcome home get-together at IHOP.
So many of you have followed me around the world over here and I am truly blessed and grateful.  I'll try to add another post from Manila where I'll be incredibly bored and lonely.  I wouldn't mind email at all. :)

Love you all. See you SO soon. God is good.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Fetching the Queen

Well yesterday morning Coral and I headed to Forster to fetch my grandma and spend the night up there.  We arrived around morning tea time and spent the rest of the day out in the shops and seeing all there is to see it Forster.  As far as attractions go it's more a retirement community, but the beaches are fabulous; you won't find a thing to complain about there.  It was a bit of a wet day on and off so we didn't walk on the beach, but we went to the observation deck and then sat where my grandpa Charlie used to like to watch the waves crash on the rocks. Before arriving at my grandma's house we stopped at the cemetery to say hello to Charlie.  It's a beautiful place and I was glad to finally see it.  He was a lovely man and will always be missed.
We stopped for lunch a cute cafe and got some lovely sandwiches and Ginger Beer. A little more walking around and a few great bargains to stumble upon and then it was home for eggs on toast.  Another cuppa or two and then time for bed in the bat-less room.
Oh, I forgot to tell about the bat incident. Whoops.  Okay, well after the dam leech situation I went to bed hoping to just put the gross memory behind me.  I put my eye mask over my face and stuck my Josh Groban music on the mp3 player and snuggled under my covers ready to sleep.  For some reason sleep wouldn't come though and I tossed and turned for well over an hour.  I was lying in bed, my mind wandering, and I heard a swift swish right near my face.  Before taking the eye mask off I already knew it was a bat.  I quickly looked up and saw it circling the room, and more than once it came far too close to me.  I waited for it to stop moving and then I jumped up and tuned the light on and opened the door. I saw the little bugger scaling up the lace curtains and then it finally exited the room and headed to the dark hallway, coming close enough to me to kiss the end of my nose.  I slammed the door and jumped back to bed.  I informed Phil and Coral the next morning and kept my door closed all day long so it couldn't get back in. Before going to bed the next night the three of us took flashlights and searched the whole room for it to be sure it was not there.  With no sign of it, I went to bed and had the exact same experience as the night before began within 10 minutes.  This time however I called Coral and covered my head with a pillow.  My heroes entered the room with squash racket and butterfly net in hand.  A few seconds and a good swing later the little guy was in a clump on the floor.  So far no other residents of Transylvania or any other bat havens have been spotted.
Well the plan for this evening has been to watch The King's Speech, but I don't know that that will happen.  Granny slept for hours this afternoon but she looks ready for bed again.  On that note, I should get out of her room.
 Little Kookaburra :)
 Ice cream!

 Me and my granny
 Partner in crime