Monday, October 10, 2011

We were unsure, but then, Liza Minnelli!

The last few days have not really been conducive to settling into my new home; but they’ve certainly been enjoyable.  And busy.
I arrived in Chicago on Friday night.  The flight here was completely bizarre.  I’ve never been on a plane with such a talkative group of people.  I had my headphones on and was attempting to read and could still here some of the conversations around me; in particular two girls behind me disclosing quite personal information to each other (as well as anyone in ear shot).  The guy next to me was trying to sleep, and succeeded for a little while, until he bolted up, looked at me exasperated and said, “My God, I could write a book about the girls behind us. They won’t shut up!”  He seemed pretty hostile for a minute but then he started talking to the girls and the conversation then moved up to our row.  A man behind me started buying drinks for everyone with some points he had and that made things even more interesting.  Across the aisle a lady got pleasantly tipsy and started asking everyone how old she looked.  When the man she was sitting next to and flirting with stupidly guessed 57 (which honestly, could have been exactly right) I thought she was going to murder him.  The man next to me was smarter and said 21.  After things calmed down me and my row discussed different places we’ve been, airports we hated and the ways that we organize our email inboxes.  We were a really neat bunch. J
Blythe met me at baggage claim and there were immediate tears.  You guys know me; this isn’t unexpected.  Blythe however is less inclined to express herself through tears.  It was good to have someone to cry with though.  And it wouldn’t be the last time.
After a train ride we had a bit of a walk that, were it just us, would have been fine.  However my luggage made the journey more interesting and more painful.  After dropping, dragging, flipping, falling and a plethora of other alliterations, we were about at the end of our rope and hadn’t quite made it to Blythe and Eric’s apartment.  Right at that moment though, Eric came walking towards us.  Our hero!  He went down the street to the store before we went home so Blythe and I had a few minutes to breath.  Enter Bekah breakdown number one.  It was actually not really a breakdown, but as it was literally the first time I had stopped since San Antonio and could think about what I had just done, I had a quick freak out moment.  It passed. We went home. I slept.
Saturday and Sunday I stayed with Blythe and Eric.  Blythe and I were able to spend time shopping and walking and cooking and basically getting used to hearing each other’s voices and not being on the phone.  We wandered into a vintage store on Saturday and walked around pulling out some gorgeous, and some not-so-gorgeous garments, making comments as we went.  I pulled out a particularly gaudy gown and without missing a beat Blythe and I looked at each other and said, “Liza Minnelli.”  It was perfect and pretty much a clear sign that we are meant t live in the same place; even for just a year.  It’s really lovely being with someone who knows you and you them, so completely.
Yesterday My Aunt Marianne and Uncle Aaron fetched me and I am now at my new, temporary, short-term/long-term residence in Downers Grove.  They have a beautiful and HUGE house, and a big white van—I feel pretty at home here already.  It is definitely not going to be easy to leave here and move into a tiny apartment, but it’s lovely to know I’ll be able to come here and see family with little trouble.  I am truly, truly blessed.

Thank you if you read this far; I won’t normally go this long.  To my Texas friends, I miss you all so much already.  In about a week I’ll start posting temperatures so you can all make fun of me.  Winter is just around the corner!


  1. I love having friends like that - the ones where you say the exact same thing at the exact same time and it's pure randomness that only you two would understand. (o:

    Glad you made it there safe and sound - and with inflight entertainment too. And glad it's you enduring crazy bugs and real winter in the same year and not me!

  2. I didn't know about your crazy flight! It was probably a good distraction so you were not thinking about the whole "leaving" thing.... I miss you a lot! Love!!
