Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Catching Up

It's before midnight and I'm already in bed AND it's raining.  I am in a place of euphoria right now.

This last weekend I went back out to the city.  Friday night Blythe and Eric had a house warming party at their apartment and it was so much fun.  It was a very small group or intelligent and interesting people.  We discussed music and television and movies and comic books and pathetic Jews and over-cautious mothers and music mixing programs and parenting and kittens.  Score.  On Saturday I had an interview and after missing my stop, (which was never announced) getting off the southbound bus, getting on the northbound bus and walking, I finally made it there.  It was a good interview, but I wasn't too excited about the potential of this particular job.  Finding a nanny job is very different from other jobs; there needs to be a certain amount of compatibility between the nanny and the family or it simply will not work.  Anyway, I was grateful for the interview.  The rest of Saturday was spent shopping for plants with Eric, Blythe and her brother Alec, and then later Blythe and I went downtown to shop for our elaborate day-before-Halloween plans next weekend; stay tuned for that story/those pictures.

Saturday evening I got a call from another family I had applied with and we set up an interview for Sunday afternoon.  After attending a different church, Good News Bible Church (which was really lovely- I intend to go back there again), I headed north for this interview. It was immediately different from the previous interview.  I loved the family, the area, the kids and all those things seemed to like me too.  I'm headed back to see them and do a "trial run" of sorts on Thursday.  If you would, be in prayer for this opportunity.  If this is where God wants me it'd be so great; and if not, well I'll get right back to looking. :)

My lovely Uncle Rob and Aunt Nancy have arrived back here in Downer's Grove and will be around for a couple of days.  It's so lovely having more family around...

...and now all I need is my friends!

I love you guys.  My friends far away- you are all on my heart every day.

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