Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday, April 23- So what AREN’T you going to miss, Bekah?

Well, since you asked…
ü  Waking up to roosters—at any hour
ü  Rats
ü  Ants everywhere!
ü  Any kind of creature in a place it shouldn’t be
ü  Wearing shoes every second I am out of bed
ü  Freeeeeeeeeezing showers
ü  Wet sheets, wet blankets, wet pillows, wet clothes
ü  Rice
ü  The boys competing for the title of most nasally falsetto voice
ü  Aww-HI!... WAWAWEE (there will be no explanation for this)
ü  Loading pisos to call or text
ü  Loading pisos to use the internet
ü  Hand washing all my clothes
ü  Living out of a suitcase
ü  Ilonggo
ü  Filipino Radio (I may do an entire blog on this topic)
ü  Fire ants
ü  My adapter
ü  Being stared at… CONSTANTLY!

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