Sunday, April 10, 2011

A comprehensive list of the things that I miss...

NOTE the title! This DOES NOT say "the people I miss" OR "the food I miss."  This list is for THINGS! Okay, just wanted to clarify.

And you can expect more lists in the future.  I am a chronic list maker, and with 17 days to go, I decided I'd give in to the urge.

Again... THINGS! (And these are in no particular order)

-Toilet seats
-Warm showers
-Dry sheets (not dryer sheets... but sheets in the condition of being dry)
-Washing Machines
-The ability to walk around barefoot, safely
-The Office
-Soft pews at church
-Lauren Bain's laugh
-Sonic (not the food, but the actual establishment and it's active role in many of my friendships)
-My bed
-Walls that go all the way to ceiling
-Unlimited cell phone service
-Any cell phone service
-High heels
-Tea (hot!)
-The look on Ariana Easley's face when I say something outrageous
-TimTams (sob)
-The radio (in English, of course)
-Not having to plan for 5 minutes what I need to take with me to the bathroom
-Vacuum cleaners
-Powerful worship services
-My hottub
-Meghann Sauer's hug
-House MD
-Watching airplanes (family, it has been too long since we've done this!)
-Being able to call Blythe 10 times a day if necessary
-"That's what she said" (oh yes, I miss it)
-Quoting things with Jono, Ben and Kevin
-Red Eye
-Not having to use a converter to plug things in
-My Bible study
-The Sherlock Holmes theme music
-Hearing my dad play the piano
-Every single thing that Joshua ever does
-Going to the movies
-Listening to Rush Limbaugh
-Watching Planet Earth with Josh and Caleb
-Saturday morning breakfasts
-Still being in awe after 7 years how early summer starts in Texas
-Freddy's dates with Janey
-Getting my hair cut
-My mom's beautiful face
-The smell of coffee brewing and the expectation of getting to drink it
-Trash cans!
-Every Friends season except for 6 (thanks, Mom!:)
-A bath (which for me includes a book, a drink and music)
-Ben and my "meal"
-Andy Easley trying to pretend I annoy him
-The College Group
-No need for mosquito nets
-The absence of rats from my life
-Being able to download Breakaway podcasts in 20 minutes (opposed to 6 hours)
-Noticing that no one is home and immediately singing very loudly
-Refrigerators that don't smell like (and are not full of) old fruit
-Driving places with Becca
-The size of the potatoes at Jason's Deli
-Not having people stare at me... 24/7
-Sharing political humor with Andrew Bain
-The Kids Zone (which I'll never be able to see again in my life... sad day.)
-My wonderful, amazing, loving, crazy family (the actual institution of family; not the individual people so to keep with the flow of the list, however they are all truly missed.)

There is of course more... but I need to figure out what to take to the bathroom with me. Excuse me.


  1. Freddys date with Janey coming right up as soon as you get here!!

  2. Feeling a bit more thankful for my toilet seats after reading this. (o:

  3. Janey!! It's so soon!

    Jennifer, tell me about it. I think the travel toilet seat would be a wise invention for someone to market. I'd pick one up.

  4. You know, I still have a House DVD here waiting for us to watch. I'm so glad Netflix doesn't have late fees!
