Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday, March 23- Breaking Point

If you keep up with my status updates on Facebook you know that today has been the WORST day by far since I arrived here.  The morning just started off on the wrong foot with me over sleeping (until 6:45am… yeah).  Then as I opened my suitcase to grab my medicine and vitamin before heading to breakfast I saw something that cracked my heart in two.  You see I wanted to be writing this blog about how wonderful my mother is and about how she sent me an amazing care package (which is still totally true) however, in my haste to get to bed last night since I had taken Tylenol PM, I forgot to zip up my suitcase.  I had a few books on top of it but that wasn’t enough.  The rat was able to smell the wonderful cookies my mom sent me and the two zip lock bags to protect them from ants were quite easy for him to nibble through.  (I’ve yet to tell or write this story without tears.) I saw the giant hole through the two bags and the wrapper which exposed about 6 (of 12) of the cookies half eaten.  I was in complete shock that it didn’t quite register what happened until I was about to walk away; when it hit me I just sat down and burst into tears.  Further inspection showed that the remaining cookies had been found by ants (if the thought of a rat being within 5 feet of them weren’t already enough to make them inedible). All day I’ve been so sad.  [OKAY! So WHILE I was just typing that I looked over and saw what I thought was a mouse in the corner, and as I have been standing ON the breaking point all day, just ran out of my room and called Mama Lynn who lives in the next room.  As soon as the boys heard what I said they came running.  They started moving stuff around and found not a mouse, but a small rat.  I started hearing the slaps of flip flops and high pitched squeaks and just sat down and started bawling.  I can only pretend not to be bothered by this for so long.  Considering where he was, there is a good chance he’d been in here all day long.  I don’t think I’ll be sleeping tonight.]  Well… trying to get back to where I was; I was going to mention that some of the boys (motivated by the 1000 pisos I promised) made some awesome rat traps and put them all around the top of my room where I see a large rat running every night.  They used some of the left over TimTams as bait and they are currently still set, awaiting their disgusting victim.  I’ve seen the big rat several times already tonight and am just expecting to hear a trap go off any time.  Oh my gosh, guys, tonight is awful.  I hate to just seem like a weak little girl, but you know what, I am.  I’m weak and I hate rats and I just want my mom.
Well the really terrible parts of today have over-shadowed the fact that today was KB’s graduation from kindergarten.  It was cute and I had planned a whole thing to write about how adorable they were in their white caps and gowns (which here they call togas) and about them dancing to Justin Beiber, but honestly, I’m spent and wouldn’t do the hilarity of the event justice.  Maybe later; I’ll add pictures below though.
The other thing that has made today hard is that Natalie left (well, yesterday) and so there is once again no one who can understand how I’m feeling.  The boys have been so sweet and instead of trying to torture me like they normally do when they find something that bothers you, they have been very helpful and as comforting as they can be.  Still, they don’t understand why losing some cookies would make me cry or why now I feel like I have a vendetta with all crawling things.  I just saw the rat again….
Okay, I can write no more tonight.  I have never missed home this much in my life.  Mom, I want you here right now.  Dad, I feel like this would all be much less scary if you were here.  Sarah, Abby and Liddy, if you guys were here I wouldn’t have to be the only one curled up in the corner. Ben, Jono, Joseph, Caleb and Josh, I need you here to add humor to this situation which I am desperately trying to find.  Plus Ben, I’ve seen you decapitate two snakes; you could handle this. I just want my family right now.
This is dedicated to Alizabeth Amaya.  I don’t know if the prayers of 4-year-olds are stronger than others, but I KNOW that you are praying for me, sweet girl, and I wanted to say thank you! I need those prayers tonight! Miss you (and ALL the Amaya’s).


  1. awww, Bekah :( that is SO awful... I wish I could be there to give you a hug... I would probably be be freaking out even more than you are if I were there though, with all the bugs! You are brave, dear!
    ~ Sarah

  2. I saw this on your status the other day and my heart broke for you a little bit. I think you said something to the affect of it feeling like they had taken a bit of home from you. Lousy rats and ants!

    I am hearing that even though you are serving the Lord and are where He wants you, that it comes with loneliness and homesickness and it's own share of hardships - like bugs and rodents. I have decided that there must be a very special crown for you in Heaven for enduring what you have there!

    I barely know you, but I do know you are brave and courageous and have a huge heart for others. I'm not so sure I could endure bugs and rats and such the way you have without booking a flight home and throwing in the towel. (And I'm serious). Your testimony speaks volumes to me Bekah. You are reaching those where you're at, and even us at home who go to sleep at night with all the comforts in the world.

    Continuing to lift you and your heart up in prayer as you serve and give and minister and teach.
