Thursday, March 10, 2011

Recent Happenings

Things have been pretty slow here lately.  The kids are deep into their last month of school spending much of their home time in study sessions.  Nanay is strict year round, but WAY more now that finals are going on.  I suppose it pays off considering many of the 4th year students are graduating in the top ten of their class (including Richard who is ranked #2).  I'm just looking forward to April when they are out of school and we can spend more time playing and hanging out and what not.
It is about 1:56pm right now and I'm expecting Natalie to arrive any minute.  I expected her more than an hour ago, but here being an hour late is right on time.  We'll be having a bon fire tonight with s'mores to welcome her back (for those of you who don't know, she stayed for three months before I got here.) I'm excited to meet her and more than anything to have a fellow English speaker around for a while.  She is only staying for 11 days but I'm sure they'll be great days.
I was very excited to get to watch some American news today.  The Filipino news gave me updates on Charlie Sheen and that was about it.  He got considerable airtime today too (whatever for... ignore him!) but it was good to catch up on some political things.  Once again, I'd like to go ahead and back Chris Christy for 2012. He needs to end this charade about not running. :)
Well that is all for now. I miss you all so very, very much.  Next week is the half way point! When I first got here that place seemed so very far away.  My heart still hurts as I think of being away for as long as I already have been, but hugs and smiles from sweet kids can chase those feelings away... for a while.  Luckily I also have a constant companion who will never leave me or forsake me and is going to finish the work he has begun.

Two dedications today.  One is Renee Garner.  I was thinking during dinner last night how much I missed doing worship team with you and right then we lost power.  It stayed pitch black for about an hour, but durning that time a sweet boy named Jestoni and I just sat around and sang worship songs and it was a very sweet time. I still look forward to singing with you again.

Next is Ben.  I got to text with you a little earlier and it really made me so happy. I miss you so much and think about you all the time.  You're a wonderful brother. Love you.

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