Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday, March 31- On a Need to know Basis (also, countdown from 30)

It seems to me that far too often things happen here that I am not informed of, and they are things that really would be important for me to know. The last 48 hours have been full of surprises and not a one of them have been pleasant.   For example:
I have made a habit of walking to the view by myself almost every night.  After dinner the kids are all getting ready for bed or doing homework or chores and I am typically not tired right away.  The view (as we Americans seem to have dubbed it) is the edge of the orphanage property and overlooks a huge hill/ravine with a rushing river at the bottom.  Beyond the river are the beautiful mountains of Tiboli and the whole picture is breathtaking every time I see it.  It is my favorite place here and I go out there and get to speak English out loud to God and it’s always just an uplifting time.  Well two nights ago after dinner I hadn’t gone out there yet and I wasn’t really planning on it since I was spending time in the girls’ dorm which usually wears me out plenty.  When I left I was definitely tired and didn’t even think about going out there.  Well it turned out that was very good since Myra (one of the house parents) told me when I got downstairs that they had just found a cobra out there! And, she added, that they have lots of them that hide out by the function hall which is right behind where I sit.  I told her and Nanay that I go out there by myself all the time and they both asked why I would do that.  Well why wouldn’t you tell me about cobras?!  I knew they had snakes here because I’ve seen a number of them but they are definitely not cobras or any kind of threat.  I always look out for any creatures when I go out there, though it is very dark and I don’t have a flashlight.  I just feel like that would have been a good heads up to give me.
The next surprise was much harder to deal with.  With only half an hour before this happened, I was told that one of my sweetest little friends here, Anjilyn (who is in my facebook profile picture) was being discharged and was going home with her mother.  This is just a reality about this kind of orphanage that I am not sure I’d ever get used to; so many of these kids are here for “extended care” because their families simply could not afford to take care of them.  In Anjilyn’s case, she came here 2 years ago after her father passed away and her mother was not able to take care of her.  On one hand I am glad she gets to be with her mom again, but it is just so, so sad not to have her staring at me and laughing during each meal and to not get to walk her to school anymore.  It’s hard to leave these kids when it is time to go, but I think it’s worse to have had to watch her just walk away and to know I won’t see her again… until heaven.
Surprises are still not done!  Last night I was in Nanay’s house watching some ridiculous Filipino game show (they are as ridiculous if not more so than Mexican game shows) waiting for the remote to be given up so I could watch the news.  Mama Lyn came over and asked me to turn on the light behind the boys’ dorm since the switch is in my room.  I was getting up to leave and Herman and Jimboy came running into the house speaking Ilonggo very fast so I couldn’t make out a word.  I asked Mama Lyn what was going on and she just smiled and giggled which is her way of saying either “I am not allowed to tell you” or “I don’t know how to explain this in English.” I just ignored it and continued to the boys’ dorm, however when I got there I was told to stop and stay quiet.  Nanay came out of the hallway looking quite concerned and then came over to explain.  There are 4 or 5 houses on the orphanage property and either orphanage staff or Nanay’s kids live in them.  Though I don’t know whose house this was concerning, someone found someone in their house trying to steal from them.  The man ran, dropping the things that he had taken, however the security guard (who I have never seen) did not see him leave the property.  So in a nut shell there was some guy near my room and they couldn’t find him. That felt great.  I went back to Nanay’s house to wait it out.  A few minutes later Toto (house parent/Nanay’s son) came in to get a pistol.  Oh, yay!  Truthfully I have no idea what ended up happening with that.  I’d like to think they’d inform me of anything that I’d need to be aware of, but clearly that is not how things work here.
On a smaller scale of surprise, about an hour ago the Dole pineapple field next to us was sprayed with pesticides and the smell was crippling.  I had to get a mask from the storage room and then brushed my teeth and ate mentos just to try to get the smell and the taste out of me.
Well, here we are.  Guys, I have 30 days left!  It’s so crazy to realize I’ve been away for 2 months.  I love getting to be here, but I am so excited to see all of you again soon.  AND I am so excited to be only one month away from seeing my Australia family! EEK!!
This is dedicated to Natalie and Emily; only you two understand how crazy things are here… love you both! J

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