Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The lonely American and a birthday party.

This post will be short as I am quite exhausted and several large insects and chasing me into the protection of mosquito tent.
Today was my first full day without my sweet Emily.  It is so weird doing things and going places without her.  As white people over her we are ALWAYS stared at, but the kids normally aren't the ones doing that.  Lately though they've been staring at me and giggling waiting to see if I'm going to cry. Sweet, aren't they? :)

Tonight was Pastor Roy's birthday.  Roy is married to Jiji who is Nanay and Tatay's daughter and has been teaching me Ilonggo.  I had no idea that I was going to his party but right before dinner Gina (one of the bookeepers) came to my room and said, "Okay, let's go."  I rarely even ask what that means anymore and I just follow the leader.  It was a pretty fun night in the end.  I didn't really say much since all of the guests were from the church and do not speak much English.  I was able to say "ano ang pangalan mo" and "diin ang tsinelas mo" meaning what is your name and where are your slippers.  Deep conversation. 

Birthdays here are odd things.  Everyone started arriving and all started shaking Roy's hand and then he extended it to me even though I'd been standing next to him for ten minutes and we are, I'd say, pass the hand shaking stage.  However that is sort of the birthday salute here or something.  Then everyone had to say something about Roy-- including me.  The person calling on people to speak said, "and the lonely American!" These people are not the best at helping you through hard situations. :) Everyone before me spoke in Ilonggo so I had no idea what had been said past wishing good health and more children.  I muttered out a few words though and then went back to my silent corner until Jiji came over to talked to me.  The night ended pleasently though when Jiji brought out the fixings for s'mores.  Emily and I had a bonfire my first week here and Jiji fell in love with s'mores.  We have had 3 more since then and tonight she said, "Thank you for bringing s'mores to the Philippines." Mission accomplished. :)

This post is absolutely 100% dedicated to Emily White.  You are a wonderful, beautiful person and I have been blessed beyond words to have known you from a distance for four years and to have had you down the hall for a month.  The boys' dorm is not complete without you.  You are missed every minute and your pink palace awaits your inevitable return.  Safe travels, babe. I love you.
Some pictures of Em's last day below.

Sweet Angel. Sweet Emily.

A big bunch of us.

Mama Lynn and Emily.

Last late night hangout. Missing you, Em!

1 comment:

  1. I love your pictures! I know how much you miss Emily...I'm praying for you!
    Love you!!!
    Mom. xxxx
