Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sunday, February 27- Midnight bug encounters = screaming inside.

So I have stopped midway through cleaning my room to type this up, mostly because I'm a little shaken and need to slow my heart rate before getting back to work.  It's pretty late right now, about quarter to midnight and I am up because it is Emily's last night and I want to be able to be with her while she's awake especially since this night is not easy for her.  We will be leaving for the airport quite early and both are just resolved to not sleep very much. I will have a glorious naptime tomorrow. Anyway, so as I said I am cleaning my room right now.  My room is like all of the other rooms in the dorm, a cement block, except for my floor.  On top of the cement there is a weird pink plastic covering thing kind of like a table cloth.  I've always wondered why I have this but have never really thought too much of it. Well, tonight I discovered it's purpose.  I was straightening the corners out with my foot just trying to pin the cover flat to the floor when I realized there was a strange sort of surface underneath the cover; it did not match the flat concrete feel everywhere else in the room.  I curiously picked up the corner of the cover and before I could blink twice my wall was completely covered with hundreds and dare I say thousands of ants. Ants EVERYWHERE! Ants are never considered anything more than a nusance to me but I have literally never seen this many ants in one place before (and that includes the lemon tree at our Australia house!) I immediately reached behind me and grabbed my Filipino air freshener as I call it though it is more commonly called bug spray.  I turned back and let loose on the unearthed colony that was papering my wall.  I set a goal that I'd kill 100,000 ants before leaving since I kill about 20 each day before breakfast.  Well tonight I came significantly closer to meeting my goal.  After emptying a can of the not so sweet smelling poison on my wall, I decided to take another peek under the cover.  Thousands.  Running around looking like a country being evacuated with no organazation whatsoever.  I finished off the can I was using on the wall and then grabbed my other one which was already almost empty, but got every last drop out of it that I could.  I replaced the cover and just walked over the corner for the next few minutes hoping to crush any that the fumes had missed.
It is moments like this that make me think, "Bekah... what are you doing here?!"  Sleep deprivation is enough to mess with your emotions, but times like this can really push you over the edge.  I'm glad this happened while Emily is still here so I can share this horror with her, but after tomorrow she will be gone and I will be asking for your prayers more than ever.  It's wonderful getting to know the kids more and become closer with them, but frankly they cannot sympathize with so much that I would consider difficult or things that I struggle with.  They will be sweet and will listen if I chose to say something, but there is such a difference from actually having someone with you who completely understands and knows why something is so difficult.  I know it is times like this that I need to remember that Jesus knows me even more than Emily or the kids or any blog readers and that if I cling to Him he will carry me through.  Some of you may think me silly for needing someone to cling to after an encounter with ants-- but you didn't see it, so hush. :)

This post is dedicated to REPEL Insect Repellent. God bless you! (Any care packages that may be being sent could certainly contain more bug spray.  Looks like I'm fresh out. Scary.)

A roach just flew into my suitcase.  All in a day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my - I hate bugs. I'm feeling itchy after just reading this. *shudders* You are one mighty warrior bug killer Bekah. Wow. I love learning about new and interesting ways I can pray for you. (o:
