Friday, May 6, 2011

Fetching the Queen

Well yesterday morning Coral and I headed to Forster to fetch my grandma and spend the night up there.  We arrived around morning tea time and spent the rest of the day out in the shops and seeing all there is to see it Forster.  As far as attractions go it's more a retirement community, but the beaches are fabulous; you won't find a thing to complain about there.  It was a bit of a wet day on and off so we didn't walk on the beach, but we went to the observation deck and then sat where my grandpa Charlie used to like to watch the waves crash on the rocks. Before arriving at my grandma's house we stopped at the cemetery to say hello to Charlie.  It's a beautiful place and I was glad to finally see it.  He was a lovely man and will always be missed.
We stopped for lunch a cute cafe and got some lovely sandwiches and Ginger Beer. A little more walking around and a few great bargains to stumble upon and then it was home for eggs on toast.  Another cuppa or two and then time for bed in the bat-less room.
Oh, I forgot to tell about the bat incident. Whoops.  Okay, well after the dam leech situation I went to bed hoping to just put the gross memory behind me.  I put my eye mask over my face and stuck my Josh Groban music on the mp3 player and snuggled under my covers ready to sleep.  For some reason sleep wouldn't come though and I tossed and turned for well over an hour.  I was lying in bed, my mind wandering, and I heard a swift swish right near my face.  Before taking the eye mask off I already knew it was a bat.  I quickly looked up and saw it circling the room, and more than once it came far too close to me.  I waited for it to stop moving and then I jumped up and tuned the light on and opened the door. I saw the little bugger scaling up the lace curtains and then it finally exited the room and headed to the dark hallway, coming close enough to me to kiss the end of my nose.  I slammed the door and jumped back to bed.  I informed Phil and Coral the next morning and kept my door closed all day long so it couldn't get back in. Before going to bed the next night the three of us took flashlights and searched the whole room for it to be sure it was not there.  With no sign of it, I went to bed and had the exact same experience as the night before began within 10 minutes.  This time however I called Coral and covered my head with a pillow.  My heroes entered the room with squash racket and butterfly net in hand.  A few seconds and a good swing later the little guy was in a clump on the floor.  So far no other residents of Transylvania or any other bat havens have been spotted.
Well the plan for this evening has been to watch The King's Speech, but I don't know that that will happen.  Granny slept for hours this afternoon but she looks ready for bed again.  On that note, I should get out of her room.
 Little Kookaburra :)
 Ice cream!

 Me and my granny
 Partner in crime


  1. Well, I feel a bit sorry for the bat! But I am glad you got to visit Forster. And I'm glad you went to visit Charlie... I love the beauty of Forster. but you are there when it is very quiet. In the summer it's SO busy and crowded. You'd probably like it then....

  2. It looks lovely there...well, minus the bat!

  3. Actually I wouldn't have wanted it any busier. It was lovely, but I'd pick Dungog over Forster any day. Em, it's heaven.
