Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One week out... YIKES!!

Alright, I am in the single digits for days until I leave. It is all finally dawning on me and making me a tad nervous-- but so excited!

Just a little updating first. Please be in prayer for the evangelism team that is there right now. They have visited well over 100 schools and are having some awesome experiences. They are, however dealing with a lot of weather hinderances and would appreciate your prayers. As far as my trip goes, my itinerary is in order and I am getting close to reaching my financial needs. If you are able and interested in donating and haven't yet, please click on the link to right under "Support this trip" and it will direct you to BTEA's website where you can make a safe online donation. All donations are tax deductible.

For those of you who would like to stay in contact with me while I'm away, you can do so by leaving comments here (very encouraged!) or through Skype or email. My email while I am there is bekahgwen@gmail.com . If you use my old one I will not recieve it as I don't want to have to fish through junk mail. My Skype account is simply bekahgwen or you can just search my name (Rebekah Congdon). Skype will only be a rare occasion though, so you're better off with the other two options.

Thank you, thank you for your overwhelming love, support and friendship.


  1. Sweet! You have a blog, and I do too, though mine isn't as exciting as some rockin' awesome missions adventure. Excited to come here and read the stories while you're there. Praying for you!

  2. Yay! Glad to have another follower. I'll try to keep it interesting...
