Friday, April 15, 2011

Wednesday, April 13- It’s Arrested Development

I’ve told you about and shared pictures of the three puppies that were born shortly after my arrival.  As you may remember, I grew quite fond of the little mutts and named them all (though to the orphans they are all just called “Bekah’s puppies”).  Sadly they have lost much of their young cuteness and are looking more and more like their 12-breed parents every day.  Also, I haven’t seen one of them (Bingley) for about a week and that is just not a good sign.  However I digress from the actual subject I want to discuss.  I was enjoying seeing their different personalities emerge and started to think that they reminded me of some people.  I soon realized exactly who these people were:  The Bluth Brothers.  Now if you have had the misfortune to have never seen Arrested Development before, it is much less important that you read this than that you sign-up for Netflix and indulge in the complete series that can be seen there for free (you’re welcome, Netflix).  If you are in the privileged group of knowing and loving this show, you may find this humorous.
We’ll start with the youngest (Bluth Brother that is, I don’t know the age order of the puppies).  Ben, the puppy with tan hair and black ears, is Buster.  He is afraid of everything; truly everything.  He rarely leaves the small hut adjacent to the boys’ dorm where his mother Pam (Lucille, of course) also spends most of her time.  Now sometimes she does wander off, especially around meal times when she is normally sitting by my side hoping for (and usually receiving) scraps.  When Ben realizes she is gone, he runs to the comforts of another white dog that looks similar to Pam, but is not his mother (Lucille 2).  Much of Ben’s day is spent hunkering in corners, running from everyone and being tormented by his older brothers. Though he has certainly never been down to the river, I have no doubt that there would be a seal waiting for him if he indeed took the plunge.  I give you, Buster Bluth.
Then there is Gob (pronounced Job as in the Bible for those who are unfamiliar with the show).  Gob’s puppy doppelganger is Bingley (yes, the one who is missing).  Bingley is rather rambunctious and is considered a nuisance to most of the canine community.  He gets his kicks by scaring his brother, Ben and trying to entice his other brother to fight with him.   He makes more noise than the other two puppies but is really quite lazy.  Considering I haven’t seen him in a week, I should probably go see if anyone is missing a yacht.  Ladies and gentlemen: George Oscar Bluth, or Gob.
Finally we get to Michael who is personified (dogified) in our final puppy, Socks.  Socks is a fast learner and had spent most of his time observing his parents antics and perfecting them for his own use.  He normally beats his mother to my side at meal time now and has a much less annoying presence than she so I am more likely to feed him.  He seems embarrassed by his family and their promiscuous nature (this is his mothers second litter in about 6 months and there are different fathers) but he does his best to help them make positive changes.  Oddly, he doesn’t like bananas and he is more drawn to our campfires that Gob (who I guess is too busy trying to find the lighter fluid).  He is a hard worker, which however has made him much scrawnier than his siblings.  Still, he is the responsible one, so we have a Michael Bluth. 
I’m pretty sure I saw Pam (Lucille) getting a little more attention from the 3-legged dog (not making this crap up) than she cared for, so maybe we have a Lindsey or Tobias or Maeby or George Michael on the way. 
Can you believe I actually spend time doing stuff like this?
This is for Abby, since I didn't blog on your birthday! Happy birthday, daling! Miss you!! See you very soon.