Saturday, April 23, 2011

Friday, April 22- Good Friday Talent Show

My computer battery is very near dead and my adapter is crap so I can no longer charge my computer (at least from here) so I am writing this blog on paper and will transfer it later (which is now).  See how much I love you? Or how much I love writing… Either way I better get lots o’ comments on this entry.
Tonight was out talent show which is the main thing I have been working on for the last month.  It has been so difficult to get the kids to come forward with something they want to present/perform because they are so painfully shy.  I finally got ten acts put together and after helping them with everything from choreography to downloading songs to voice lesson, six of the acts dropped out for one reason or another.  That left the entire show with four acts.  They were our strongest acts though and I didn’t worry too much because we had inadvertently placed the show on Good Friday and decided to instead of change the date, invite the community and then show the Jesus Film afterwards. 
Everything seemed basically ready until I woke up this morning not feeling so well.  I told them I’d stay home while they went to the church for Good Friday activities.  I slept for a little while but then woke up drenched in sweat.  I could tell that I had a fever but it was more than that.  I soon realized that we were in the middle of a brown-out and so my fan was off; and the sun was beating down.  This was one of the hottest days yet.  I felt delirious.  I splashed some water on my face and fanned myself with every piece of paper and book in my reach.  The rest of the day was spent doing this or lying down without sleeping.  A little before dinner I decided to go for a walk to see if being slightly active would ward off my growing lethargy.  I ate quickly and then packed up all of my equipment and set off to walk to the church.  No one else was ready (because time means nothing here) so I told them to hurry after me.  I think I felt the moment that my fever broke and as I walked to the church I started shaking and had cold sweats.  When I arrived I was sweating and completely out of breath and Nanay asked what I was doing there; she had completely forgotten about the show.  This poor woman needs some serious brain food!  Anyway, the show went on and went well.  The youngest kids sang “The Papaya Song” (thank you, David Dunn) and then the Elementary girls did a dance to Casting Crowns’ “Who am I” followed by a traditional Tiboli dance from some Elementary boys and Lifehouse’s “Everything” skit by a group of high school kids.  There were also three unplanned acts that came from nowhere including singing, guitar playing and another drama.  Why they didn’t tell me about these sometime in the last month I’ll never know.  Anyway, it was a good night and some great messages were made clear about our Savior and His love for us.
“Greater love has no one that this, that He’d lay down his life for His friend.”
This is dedicated to Ben.  We sort of started a tradition of watching “The Passion of the Christ” together on Good Friday (three times in four years in case you didn’t know).  I wish we could do that today. Love you!


  1. I'm glad it went well! I'm sorry you aren't well.. get better well quickly! How did the Lifehouse 'Everything' drama go? I love that! We are dyeing eggs now... so I had better go and supervise!

  2. You need to post a list of things you WILL miss. :-)

  3. I wish I could have been there to do my "In the Light" skit for the talent show! :-)
