Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Long Awaited

Hello dear friends.  Thank you for those of you who care enough to still be here.  Here is the BRIEF update of what has happened in this long absence of writing.

In January, upon returning from my Christmas break in Texas, I started working part time for a building management company.  I was hired by the owner (and at that time, only employee) to help her get organized.  She was pretty well over her head and definitely needed someone to show her how to get things in order.  This was about 20-hours a week, in addition to my 40-hours at the nanny job.  I was hired with the knowledge that this would be temporary; however within about a week of being there my boss, Karolina, decided that she wanted to keep me on board long term.  I had a contract with the family I was working for though to work until May and the 60-hour weeks were really killing me.  Thankfully, agreements were made all around and I moved out of the live-in job (which couldn't happen soon enough) and in April I moved into my own apartment and began work full time for ZBD Management Services where I am currently.

Things at the new job have been pretty up and down.  It is a great opportunity and I'm certainly grateful to my bosses for all they've done (including negotiating a much lower rent for my apartment); but there are challenges as well.  Karolina is very well-intentioned but she is also pretty difficult to work with.  Her directions are often given at a break-neck speed and not very coherently (Polish is her first language).  Also, I think I forgot to mention that she is pregnant and hoping to retire very soon.  So things can very quickly get out of hand and confusing.  It's a good learning experience, but I'm definitely hoping things will settle down soon.  More staff members are coming on board as the company continues to grow (rather rapidly) and I'm praying that someone will be hired who will work well with me and make the rest of my time here more manageable.

Apart from work, life in Chicago has been full and pretty great.  It is so, so wonderful to have Blythe close by; in fact she definitely makes living here worth it.  I'm enjoying my time here and intend to continue enjoying it until my lease is up, at which time I think I'll be heading south again.  Or to Scotland.

I am so missing my Texas fam and friends.  My heart cannot contain it's excitement though because my darling Miranda will be here in under a month! I'll be getting to spend my birthday with her and I couldn't ask for a better gift! Julian will also be around and I'm holding out for visits from family members, Lauren, Janey and others.  The invitation is open so come on up!

For now though, I'm off to bed.  I hope this entry made up for the slack.  I'll try to be more diligent with the updates and to add some pictures soon.

Love to all.

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