Saturday, July 30, 2011

The family (well, some of them)

Today we finally got a taste of what we are looking forward to next week.  After a busy day of climbing Multnomah Falls here in Oregon, we went over to one of my very favorite places; my grandma's house; and were soon joined by several aunts, uncles and cousins for a little pre-reunion reunion.  9 of the original siblings came along with most of their spouses and somewhere around 30 (so about half!) of the cousins also came by.  The majority of them were in the younger age group, so there are still several that I am dying to see, but it was lovely to become reacquainted and for some of us to meet certain cousins for the first time.  Jono (my brother-in-law) got a crash course in Congdon tonight.  He was quite overwhelmed (who wouldn't be?) but survived and did very well.

The best and also saddest part of the night for me was going off by myself to wander around the house and grounds.  It was very emotional to walk around this tiny house that holds so many memories from so long ago.  There is such a richness and heritage in these walls.  Although I wasn't there, it is so amazing to me that 12 children were raised in this little 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home.  As I walked around I remembered sweet times of lying with a blanket on my grandma's floor waiting for Adventures in Odyssey to come on the radio.  Seeing pictures of my grandpa who passed away two years ago struck memories of his piano and violin playing that was done with such dedication you knew that he was playing for the Lord only; and I just wished I were able to see him again. I remembered sliding down the narrow stairway on pillows and cardboard and climbing into the "secret attic" which then seemed so vast and now would barely fit me.  A certain Christmas I spent in this house came back to me; Sarah and I found our Christmas presents early and went to peek at them every night for a week.  By the time Christmas came I wasn't very excited about my present anymore.  That was also the year that Joseph got a talking Barney toy and we went on to regret that purchase for several years.  Everyone of these snapshots brings a smile and tear.  I know this house will not always be here and thinking about that really breaks my heart; but I couldn't be more grateful for the time I've spent there, and I know that these memories and stories will live on even longer than the house that seemed so magical to me as a child; truthfully, I still feel the magic even now.

Tomorrow may involve more hiking or a trip to a science museum depending on what car I get in.  I don't know yet which it will be, but I do know that morning is coming quickly and I'll need plenty of sleep for either journey.

I am so thankful that God gave me this unbelievable family. I am truly blessed.


Sarah and Jono
 A successful family picture!
 We had a picnic. :)
 Multnomah Falls

 Another one!
 My dad's younger brother, Brad. A little resemblance, perhaps?
 A mesh of cousins... 4 families represented here.
 People everywhere!

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