Monday, February 21, 2011

Tuesday, February 22- If you never read another blog post, READ THIS!

Okay, so last night night Nanay (Miss Ray, the Director of the orphanage) shared with me a huge burden that has been weighing in her. Uncle Dick's Home currently has 4 students who are college aged and are being financially suported; next year that number goes up to 11.  The problem is that there is simply not money for this many students to be put through school.  Ray said she and Bert have often taken money out of their personal account to meet deadlines and help the students.  Many of the students who are to begin school next year know about the financial problems and very much doubt that a solution will be found.  If they don't get to go to college, they have to be discharged with a high school diploma which over here is not enough to get any real job with and the fate of these kids could be quite bleak.

So here's the deal.  The cost per student per semester is about Php10,000 (equal to about $200USD).  I think we can all agree that compared to American rates, this is nothing! But over here, that is astronomical when it is needed 11 times over. Obviously they will want to put the kids through more than one semester, but for now they need to get enough for the first semester for each child by June.  I believe 100% that this can be done and that I know some people who can help make this happen.  Emily and I are both getting the word out and we'd love to see God's people join together back in our home towns to help these great kids on the other side of the world who we are now living with.  If you can help out and feel called to support then PLEASE go to and send in an online donation OR find my parents at church or home and get a BTEA envelope from them.  In the space to clarify what the donation is for just write "Orphanage College Fund."  It would be incredible to see 11 people step up and help out these 11 kids for one semester... or more!

Okay, thank you for reading........ now pray for these kids and for the funds to become avaliable.  I know this can happen!

Love. Joy. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. What a great invitation to provide something so valuable for such a small sacrifice. Thank you for telling me about this opportunity!

    I miss you. The Tuesday night group misses you. I am so glad you are there having a great time in addition to serving the Lord.

    Love you! Renee G
