Thursday, November 3, 2011


Hey friends,
Sorry for my absence.  The last week has been full of changes and I thought I'd let most of them happen before documenting.

First off, thank you so much to everyone who has been texting, emailing, snail mailing, calling and facebooking me with encouragement and love since I moved.  When I got here I felt like a piece of my hearts puzzle was put back into place; but every day I am more and more aware of how many pieces I left behind.  Thank you for being with me in the only ways you can be for now.  You all have blessed me so.

So, time for some updates.  Some of you know this already, though it's been mostly hush hush. (It may sound that I'm about to say I'm pregnant... I'm not) I believe though that I can finally and officially say that I have a job!! I can also say that I have a place to live! But this is really only one announcement because those two things are one in the same...

I told you last time that I interviewed with a great family. Well, I am now living with them! I moved in (half of my stuff) on Monday and have been working all week.  I am going back to my aunt and uncle's place on Saturday to get the rest of my things and then head on back to my city home.  This is yet another temporary place; I do still intend to get my own place; but I can live here for some months while I save money and find a good fit.  This paragraph is just a pile of blessings.  God has been guiding me and leading me even when I have forgotten to ask Him; even when I've forgotten to thank Him.

So that's it! I'm living in Chicago, I'm working as a nanny for two little boys and in my spare time I go to zombie apocalypses and underground bars putting on Rocky Horror performances. Ah, city life. :)

I am now one step closer to being ready for you to come visit me!!!